Today was the first Monday in February so there was an HCAA board
         meeting.  Attendees: Wilma Winings, Jim Snyder, Jim Winings, and Me (John Rothrock)  What happened:  Dues for 2015 are due.
         So far, 10 have paid.  It's still $15.  I will  put a notice in the newsletter.  We discussed activities for the year.  We
         thought it would be  a good  idea to have the Lunch at the Airport again.  We have to have it on the  3rd Saturday in August,
         since that is what our over-the-street banner says.  The first actual cookout should be May, since it would likely be warm
         enough.  That doesn't mean we couldn't have indoor get-togethers with pizza,  sandwiches, and so on in February, March, and
         or April.  Then a cookout in June, maybe skip July, the flyin in August, then  cookouts in September, and October (maybe chili).
         Wilma suggested Martha's Orchard (south of US 40) as a possible place  for the Christmas Party.  They have a barn that they
         use for events, and  they cater the food.  She will get more details.  She also suggested a possible Flyout destination -
         apparently there is  an aviation museum on the airport at Seymour, Indiana, and they are open  9-12 on Saturdays.  Jim Snyder
         suggested Ropkey's museum and landing strip.  Jim Winings  noted that strip is pretty rough since they tried to do the fine
          finishing with a bulldozer instead of the proper machine.  Maybe we  could get in there anyway.  More details can be worked
         out in future meetings.  Should we do  something yet in February?    Notes by John Rothrock  Happy Groundhog Day! 

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